Monday, August 31, 2009

Finally a solution(Can't load SmartUI Library (code 126) error, ), Samsung ML-1710 printer won't work

This is a follow-up to a to a question I posed quite a while ago re: my Samsung ML-1710 printer not working.
This is the error message I kept getting (Can't load SmartUI Library (code 126) error, ) when I tried printing. I never got around to making another nlited WinXP with less options removed trying to find exactly what was causing the problem. Nobody else seemed to have any ideas either, because after nearly two months I only got one reply to my post (Mar.25th) with a possible solution. Well guess what, that was enough.

The solution offered by member ( DIGERATIPRIME ) was to put the WOW32.DLL file into my system32 directory. I didn't have the file so I downloaded a couple of versions from the internet. The first version did not work and I thought, should I bother with the second WOW32.DLL ver. or not but I did and to my amazement it worked. I fired up the printer and it worked perfectly.

Thanks again to DIGERATIPRIME, for taking the time,


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